First thing, This forum has been such a big help, this community is so supportive, it’s a rarity to have so many kind souls in one place! I plan on using Halo for myself and 2 people. I’m understanding that I need to put their photos in a jar and the candle on top. After the candle has burned, do I dispose of the jar and photos or keep it? I’m asking because the instructions state to not open the jar once closed. Not sure what to do after the spell is complete. Or would it be easier to place their photo under the candle when I burn it for them specifically? (i.e. place a different photo under the candle for each separate 6 hour burning session).
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This is what i did...I put 2 pictures in a jar! Placed halo on top, I use Palo Santo to cleanse my space, lit halo while chanting what I wanted from halo I circled the Palo Santo smoke around halo clockwise. After halo was done I opened the jar removed the pictures and discard of halo in the dumpster. Halo was my first candle, not sure if it was done right. It worked for my daughter...the 3rd party not sure because we barely talk. Myself, still unsure if it worked for me because I didn’t know what signs to look for. My daughter suffers from depression so I instantly saw a difference in her and still do. That was back in October or November. About to order another halo on Saturday.
I ordered Halo just waiting for my shipment. I’m planning to burn 6 hours for myself first, than another 6 hours for my target as my intentions are the same for the both of us. Once it’s complete I’m planning to burying it in my front yard. But I didn’t know we needed a glass of water for the Halo candle, I thought it was only needed for the conjure candles?
Yeah, you don't buy a new cup everytime you want tea? So yes... reuse the glass. I personally have a specific glass for each ancestor or spiritual being that stays with their altar.
Can we also use the same glass for each candle
Thank you
I pour mine outside in the ground next to a tree or any potted plant because to me it's giving back to nature showing that I'm grateful.
Interesting question.. and what do we do with the glass of water when the candles are done..