Back when our ancestors had to use hoodoo to heal, protect themselves or use it as a weapon. They used it with heart, determination and strategy. They knew what they wanted to achieve and went for it.
I teach chanting. For those of you who took my class you understand why. It is the only thing you have to do when you light my SPELLED candles. Most times you may not even have to chant because my spell starts working beforehand.
BUT yall! You have to sit down and do the work. Evaluate YOUR OWN situation. How can you control your own reality asking somebody else what to say over your conjure?? I already do most of the work for you. All you have to do is apply it. Say what you want! All somebody else can give you is examples, unless you spill out your entire situation, truth and all. And nobody should have to do that for you. This is YOUR conjure. YOUR reality. YOU make it happen.
Also, Conjure candles (with seals) are direct invocation of multiple spirits to assist you. Imagine someone calling you on the phone for help, you answer...and they just start chanting?! 🙄 Thats what you're doing when you chant with Conjure candles. TALK to them, they are listening. You'll spend all this time writing a post about your situation, and then ask what to chant for a conjure candle?? 🤦🏽♀️ PLEASE read the book. You're long post/question about your situation is exactly what you should be telling spirit. Instead you're asking someone on the forum for a chant or what to say.
Also...Some of yall will write an entire post about your situation and at the end ask for help on writing a petition? You wrote the petition in your post tho? 🤨
At the end of the day. SAY what you want! Evaluate your situation. I say this so much because you HAVE to make sure you get the correct results for YOUR OWN situation.
No lazy conjure. Some of yall see the kind of life I've conjured for myself. It wasn't a quick fix. I also use conjure as a way of life. I put work and dedication in it. Do the work and I promise you, you will build a spiritual court that will not only protect you but put you on the path to YOUR greatness and fast. Some of yall have already experienced this and are reaping the benefits of your WORK now. 👏🏽
Newbies...welcome. Do the work! The booklet is just to get you started. The candles come already spelled. You gotta talk and walk it. Follow the instructions 🙏🏽 Shout out to those who read the whole booklet before getting started and are truly controlling their OWN reality.
**For those needing help with evaluating your situation because you may not have all the pieces. Use Truth or 4th pentacle of the Sun to reveal to you the unknown. If you're serious about what you want, the truth shouldn't scare you. You should have the entire truth anyway to know how to conjure for it.
What I'm doing...and teaching is bigger than getting your partner back or getting a traffic ticket dismissed. I'm trying to make you more POWERFUL! Walking in that power will open doors for you before you even arrive. I want you to be GODS here. This all starts with YOU tho. Believe in yourself! Control YOUR OWN reality! 💯💯💯 This shit is real!
Hope this helps. 🖤
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Edited: Jul 25, 2020
No Lazy Conjure
No Lazy Conjure
Comments (472)
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I needed to read this....
Hello ladies, does the fourth pentacle use genesis or palms?
I'm going to put more time into conjure. I want money and love (someone that's my type). Great post! I needed a good nudge and reminder.
Auntie Lala PLEASE bring back DOMINATION 😩‼️ please it’s definitely much needed.
Thank you for this!! I keep coming back and reading these posts.
Yasssssss I love this. Doing the work to wield your power effectively with heart strategy and determination.
Which prayer/incantation is best for Supreme 8 ?!
After the candle is done, what exact do you do with them?
I'm a newbie to this shop, and Lalas works. I put in my order, which was the Mars 6th of pentacles and some oils. I knew nothing about the candle, but while I was waiting for the candle to come in, I did research
Lots of research. I looked through these forums and read what people wrote even if it wasn't for what I purchased... I still read any information that may be useful for me now and later.
You have to be the one to put in the work it's just that simple go with your instincts. Listen very quietly, ask the answers, and come.
I got my candle yesterday, and I still have not worked with it. It's not the right time. I will know when the right time is. Until then, I'll refresh my memory about this candle
Originally, I bought this candle for my daughter's abusive ex-boyfriend
To protect her and the home due to some vandalism that happened right after. This candle at the time of purchase was for that reason. Since then, though things have shifted, there is a greater purpose for this candle. See how things work? All along this candle was not meant for him. There was a greater purpose, me not knowing at the time.
The ex we have not heard anything from him. I believe he is content knowing that replacing the back window to my car and front door was a pain. (That he caused)
I would really like to find out if this candle can be used for multiple situations? I know I have the seal now, but how does one use it again, or can it be used again. If any has information of this, please let me know. In the meantime, I'll also search and see what answers I find.
I just can't wait for LaLa to open shop again. There are so many things I need.
Wishing fellow sisters always the best. May your work carry your needs and that you are always protected. 😊♥️
Very real indeed 🕯️❤️
Hey ladies , does anyone know anything about blood lamour supreme 2
Hi 👋🏻 I have a question, when conjuring it says to write down targets location, does that mean their current location or where they live?
A word 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 You gotta do your own work and put effort and dedication into it, it's a practice not a quick fix 💯
I'm so glad I came here and read this as a newbie. My chants will be conversations to the spirits! ❤️🙏 Thank you!
Can someone post the God circle it didn’t come with my order also it’s not as easy to find the booklet I didn’t get that either … perhaps it could in the search box when type booklet
thank you
Yes I do have advice…. Part of The process is trusting and believing that everything will happen in your highest good. I completely understand it is hard to wait to see movement but believe me it will happen. And the best part is … will happen in a unique way just for you and very unexpected. So be patient and wait for the results😀
Thank you for this post. I do believe, I do try and work in harmony, but I don't know if I'm blocked or what. My beginner bundle burned fine, I've been positive, keep going on about my days, but now having the time on my hands, I don't know if it's actually working for me. I just completed the Crossroads candle, and I have to wait 3-4 days before any other candle to my knowledge, the last candle I have now until I am able to get more is Addiction for my boyfriend and myself, I want the Still and Healing for my children and I but I'm not sure if I see movement. My intentions are good and pure, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong, maybe it's a little bit of fear....if you have any advice, I would greatly appreciate it.
This is always a good post to return to! 💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️