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Can one sweetening candle be used for multiple people to be sweet to me?
These are some good suggestions 😌
Can’t wait for mine. My mars wouldn’t stay lit so lala recommend I get sweetening to light first.
Someone recently posted that they did it for all to be sweet to her and she had great results
I use mine for three people (for work) That's one of my favorite candles
What did you chant & what were your results? if you don’t mind sharing
I believe up to 3... More than that it's best to purchase another
These are some good suggestions 😌
Can’t wait for mine. My mars wouldn’t stay lit so lala recommend I get sweetening to light first.
Someone recently posted that they did it for all to be sweet to her and she had great results
I use mine for three people (for work) That's one of my favorite candles
I believe up to 3... More than that it's best to purchase another